Well, we had Cameron's 2 month check-up on October 29th at the pediatrician's office. The pictures included are his 2 month b-day pics...taken on 10/23. Aside from Cameron's first shots, it was a happy, stress free visit. He weighed in at 15lbs. and measured 25 inches long, both in the 90th percentile for his age. In other words, he is a healthy happy baby. At first I was worried, thinking maybe he had been eating too much. However, the peditrician was happy with his overall measurements, his sweet little temperament, and his stout little body and she told me not to worry about his weight. Her exact quote was, "A fat, healthy baby is a HAPPY baby." She is exactly right...Cameron is as happy as can be, until he has to wait more than a second for his food! :)
He did a great job with his shots....in fact he did much better than Mommy. He only cried while he was laying on the table....he stopped about 30 seconds after I could pick him up & comfort him. Meanwhile, Mommy had a a few lingering tears. He's a little trooper! We have our next round of shots at the 4 month check up, so wish us luck that he'll do just as good as he did this time.
Other updates and happenings....

Cameron has found his hands/thumb and he LOVES it, as you can see from the picture! He is just adorable holding them in his mouth with droll going all over the place! Also, he is also showing more interest in some of his toys by reaching for them, holding them with a tight grip, and bringing them to his mouth. He just loves his Glow-worm...it's becoming his favorite toy, he smiles and coos at it as long as it's in his sights!
Cameron has found his hands/thumb and he LOVES it, as you can see from the picture! He is just adorable holding them in his mouth with droll going all over the place! Also, he is also showing more interest in some of his toys by reaching for them, holding them with a tight grip, and bringing them to his mouth. He just loves his Glow-worm...it's becoming his favorite toy, he smiles and coos at it as long as it's in his sights!
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