Unfortunately, Cameron's face is not covered in chocolate syrup. It is smelly, yucky prunes. As many of you know, Mommy has issues with prunes all around. She doesn't like the way they look, smell, or taste. However, in an effort to be the best mommy she can be she is trying to expose Cameron to all kinds of tastes and textures. Included in this experiment: PRUNES! Although Cameron wasn't totally opposed to eating them, you could definitely tell they were not his top foods list. He only took 3 or 4 bites, whereas, with basically every other food he doesn't stop until the container is empty. The pictures are after I let him explore the texture of the food, so it is EVERYWHERE! I can't say that he'll never have prunes again, but I will say that they aren't going to be part of his regular diet. :)
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