My cousin Elizabeth came to visit me this weekend. She just turned 1 in June. We had lots of fun together. We went to the zoo, played in the pool, and loved each others company. I can't wait to see her again! Thanks for visiting!!! :) 

So excited!!
They might not look happy-but they had a blast!
They shared everything...
*Safari Hats*
*Cameron even tried wearing Elizabeth's pink hat*
Taking a break from the sun in the gift shop
After we got home, we played in the pool for a while! Elizabeth didn't want to get in the water, but as we all know Cameron wasn't shy about it at all! Mommy didn't even have time to get my swimming trunks out!
After dinner and bath, we had playtime downstairs. And after fighting to stay away, we FINALLY went to bed around 11:00 :)
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