Sunday, December 7, 2008

A new SnOwMaN! :-)

For those of you that have been to our house recently, you know that Cameron is OBSESSED with the snowmen window clings I have on our kitchen door. He loves them, the problem is they are a "gel" material, so they aren't very durable. He rips them, breaks them, and trashes them regularly. So, I was on the hunt for a fun, interactive way for Cameron to build a snowman indoors. I found these really cool magnets and he loves them just as much as the window clings...:-)


Admiring his work!

Can't seem to figure out why the magnets aren't sticking to him?! :-)

A little fun playing peek-a-boo behind the glass!
Pretending to be Sadie and carry my Thomas in my mouth! :-)

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