We definitely couldn't let the beautiful sunshine and warm weather pass without a quick trip to the park. We went to the "playground" at Mommy's school and played for a while yesterday, enjoyed yummy snacks and juice, then headed home to meet Daddy for dinner. It was soooo much fun! I'm such a big boy now....I can go up and down the steps, the slide, and the rockwall...ALL BY MYSELF! ENJOY!
I just love this picture! He was concentrating so hard as he was climbing up the ladder!


Sidewalk chalk...which lasted about 5 minutes until Cameron felt the need to have a taste!

Up the rock wall....ALL BY HIMSELF!

Having soooo much fun! He is definitely an outside baby! :-)
Look for more pictures from the weekend! Not sure what we are doing yet....we are trying to talk Daddy into a short trip to the beach. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
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