Nope, it isn't Flashback Friday---it's Flashback WEEK. We just had a wonderful weekend celebrating Cameron's I thought I would take this week to reflect and look back at the wonderful journey through parenthood that Ryan and I have enjoyed for the past 2 years. Wow, 2 years....I cannot BELIEVE it! Time sure does fly. I guess the saying, "they grow up quickly....enjoy every second and memory while you can," really is true! I know everyone thinks they have the perfect child, but believe me...we really do! We are very thankful to all the wonderful support from the many loving grandparents....don't know what we would do without you!!!
So, what can you expect this week?? Stay enjoy a walk through Cameron's first 2 years of life....sure to bring on the smiles, a few tears, and a maybe even a laugh out loud!
After 12 long hours of labor, here he is! The first shot taken after birth!

A very proud daddy....

....and a very proud, NUMB, and tired Mommy! :)

Look at those precious little fingers, toes, and feet!

Such a calm and observant baby-even MINUTES after such a long birth!

Soooo sweet!

Hands down---the BEST doctor around! We love you Dr. Liao! :)

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