One of my new favorite pictures...I just love that adorable little face! :)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Potty training update....and another first!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Potty training----3-day style!
So long diapers!!!!!!!!
What I also didn't mention is this method guarantees potty training in 3 days, yes you read that correctly...potty trained in 3-days! That's my kind of plan! :) The most important idea of this method is that the trainer (ie. Mommy) is glued to the trainee's (ie Cameron) side ALL day for the 3-day period. It has been a MESSY and EXHAUSTING start, but I see improvements by the hour.
Day One: We spent a lot of time playing with cars, trains, watching our favorite red monster, making cupcakes, and reading. We didn't leave the house! It has actually been WONDERFUL to spend all this one-on-one, direct time with Cameron. I have literally been by his side the entire time!
He earned his first prize from the prize box yesterday morning for going pee-pee in the potty for the first time without an accident! As you can see, cars and trains are a favorite--especially Lightening McQueen and Thomas! :) Mommy has many more McQueens, trains, and Elmo treats in the prize box! ;)
Window sills
On the stairs...
Riding around in my police car...of course!
Basically, anywhere you find'll find some, if not ALL of these tractors, trains, and cars. He seems to find a unique way of transporting them from place to place. :)
I'll keep you posted on potty training progress! Wish us luck and keep us in your thoughts :)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
More water play....
Friday, July 17, 2009
More water fun....and my little surprise!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
It's H-O-T!!
Cute face here...I snapped the picture just as he was saying "ooooooooh pooool, happy!"
One of our FAVORITE indoor activities--visiting Barnes & Noble playing with the train table. He absolutely loves it. Mommy gets to enjoy Starbucks while Cameron plays--perfect!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Happy Monday!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A little artist!
After we got home, we watched Sesame Street...then headed back outside for painting & puzzles. The pictures below show Cameron painting one last flower pot--I wonder who it's gonna be for???
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Water fun with Miss Sadie!
Cameron and Sadie LOVED playing with the water! Cameron laughed and giggled for at least 20 minutes STRAIGHT! Here is a short clip of our 2 babies enjoying the water on a HOT, HOT day!
Mommy's big helper!
We've also played with puzzles outside today, took Sadie on a walk, and watched Sesame Street. Busy it's nap time for Cameron! :)
Now that we are back to a routine, daily posts and pictures shouldn't be a problem. Keep checking back for daily updates on our little man!