So, what's the verdict?? Well, we aren't 100%, "never gonna have an accident" potty trained....but we're pretty darn close and he is doing GREAT! He is at the point of being very consistent in telling me when he has to go, but not in holding it or waiting if we aren't really close to a bathroom. I've been putting pull-ups on him when we are away from the house, although I could probably get away with undies....just not ready to take that step yet. Just this morning, we were out running errands from 9:00-1:00 and he didn't have an accident! He told me he had to go while in Target, went pee-pee in Target...then told me he had to go when we got home. Overall, I think the plan was WONDERFUL! I think it has definitely made him aware of the whole potty process. Are we in the "accident-free" zone---probably not, but we're totally okay with that! We'll keep working over the next few weeks and eventually be 100% undies! :)
Look at this big boy! Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, eating breakfast, and playing with his favorites (McQueen, Thomas, and various other cars, trucks, and tractors)---and of course, he's in big boy undies! :)
One of my new favorite pictures...I just love that adorable little face! :)
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