Cameron & Mommy are slowly getting back into a routine of Mommy/Daddy rules---which has made it very pleasant being around a toddler that isn't have 15 tantrums a day! :) He just LOVES helping me in the kitchen, so I decided to make muffins this morning. He helped with everything: stirring, pouring, and putting the muffin cups in the pan--such a big boy!

Such a big boy--that he thinks he HAS to sit at the table with Mommy & Daddy. No more high chair for Cameron!

Sad face because Mommy said, "no salt on your muffins." :)
We've also played with puzzles outside today, took Sadie on a walk, and watched Sesame Street. Busy it's nap time for Cameron! :)
Now that we are back to a routine, daily posts and pictures shouldn't be a problem. Keep checking back for daily updates on our little man!
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