Ok, so I know a few posts back I said I was holding off on potty training for the moment....but after much thought, consideration, and research...I decided to jump back on the wagon and transform Cameron from a diaper-wearing baby...into a Hanes-wearing big boy! So, I researched and read NON-stop until I figured out what I think is the *best* method. Everything I read said the sooner you potty train, the better...especially for head-strong, independent children. In fact, the research says that 22 months is the perfect and best age to potty train. Since Cameron is 23, nearing 24 months...I went for it. The 3 of us made a trip to Target, bought LOTS of undies, stickers, treats, and prizes for the prize box...and went for it. The first step of our method: THROW AWAY ALL DIAPERS!!! The reason--> so Mommy didn't have a crutch..or fall-back plan in case potty training became a nightmare. We are in it for the long haul!
Cameron helped me, saying "bye bye diaper," as we threw away each diaper!
So long diapers!!!!!!!!

What I also didn't mention is this method guarantees potty training in 3 days, yes you read that correctly...potty trained in 3-days! That's my kind of plan! :) The most important idea of this method is that the trainer (ie. Mommy) is glued to the trainee's (ie Cameron) side ALL day for the 3-day period. It has been a MESSY and EXHAUSTING start, but I see improvements by the hour.
Day One: We spent a lot of time playing with cars, trains, watching our favorite red monster, making cupcakes, and reading. We didn't leave the house! It has actually been WONDERFUL to spend all this one-on-one, direct time with Cameron. I have literally been by his side the entire time!

He earned his first prize from the prize box yesterday morning for going pee-pee in the potty for the first time without an accident! As you can see, cars and trains are a favorite--especially Lightening McQueen and Thomas! :) Mommy has many more McQueens, trains, and Elmo treats in the prize box! ;)

We are now mid-Day 2 and what a change it has been. Cameron IMMEDIATELY recognizes that he has to pee-pee and starts running towards the potty with a little encouragement from Mommy. We started the day yesterday on his little potty...but have moved to the big potty today. He seems to like it MUCH better...which will make things MUCH easier when we travel and our out and about with errands and such. The trick we use--sitting on the potty BACKWARDS, so he feels much more secure and steady! Another trick, M & M's & stickers! :)
Another HUGE thing with this method is NO DIAPERS---even for naps and nightime. So far, so good. He stayed dry during nap yesterday and dry last night...only had a little dribble this morning b/c we didn't make it to the potty quick enough. He is napping now, so we'll see what happens.
It has definitely been a roller coaster couple of days, but we're gonna keep plugging away until he masters it! :)
As I said before, he LOVES all of his cars, trains, and tractors. They seem to follow us EVERYWHERE lately:
Window sills
On the stairs...

Breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner! We have all these lovely guests at the table for each meal! :)
Riding around in my police car...of course!

Basically, anywhere you find Cameron...you'll find some, if not ALL of these tractors, trains, and cars. He seems to find a unique way of transporting them from place to place. :)
I'll keep you posted on potty training progress! Wish us luck and keep us in your thoughts :)
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